17 July 2022

          Everything About Japandi Decoration Style!

          A little East, a little West… a little cold, a little hot… a little spiritualism, a little elegance… But first of all, a complete simplicity and functionality… Here is the increasingly popular decoration trend of recent years: Japandi Style!

          What is Japandi Style?

          The trademark of the Japandi decoration trend is actually hidden in the structure of the word. In this hybrid decoration approach, two different regions that are located in very distant geographies, but where cultural similarities are noticeable when examined in depth, come together. Japandi style, which converges on the aesthetic understanding of Japan and Scandinavia, is also known as Scandinese or Japanordic. However, whatever you call it, it is a fact that the houses decorated in this style reveal a perfect aesthetic...

          So let's look at the answers to the questions such as what is the Japandi style, how to create it, what should be considered for Japandi decoration, which has become a very popular decoration trend all over the world since the end of the 2010s.

          How to create Japandi Style Decoration in Homes?

          In order to understand the features of the Japandi style, it is useful to first take a look at the features of two different decoration approaches that reveal this trend. The Wabi-Sabi approach, which symbolizes the Scandinavian life philosophy Hygge and Japanese aesthetics, is the most important part of this decoration trend.

          Scandinavian life philosophy Hygge aims for a warm, friendly, safe and peaceful life. The Japanese aesthetic approach Wabi-Sabi, on the other hand, focuses on transition and acceptance of defect and bases on minimalism and an unpretentious elegance that can manifest itself in simplicity.

          When all this is combined in a decoration approach, it is called Japandi style! So simple, minimal, functional, elegant and unpretentious...

          If you want to decorate a living space using Japandi style, here are some of the golden rules you should follow:

          - Simplicity should be one of your main motivations. When practicing Japandi style, you should be careful to stay away from flashy pieces.

          - The functionality of the furniture is also very important! Remember; Japandi style combines elegance with functionality.

          - Light colours are your friend! In both Scandinavian and Japanese-style decorations, light tones form the basic colour palettes. Therefore, the Japandi decoration trend is an approach based on light tones.

          - Wooden materials and organic products are among the must-haves of Japandi style. The Japandi style draws its inspiration from nature and aims to shape our living spaces with natural materials.

          - Untidiness or arbitrarily placed decoration items are among the things the Japandi style avoids. The decoration of your living space should be simple, yet organized and tidy.

          - Both Scandinavian and Japanese culture focus on sustainability rather than rapid consumption. So when you apply Japandi style decoration to your home, try to make sure that your preferred products are sustainable or offer quality that can be used for a long time.

          - Don't forget the contrast! Japandi style is shaped by contrasting elements placed inside a house decorated with light colours.


          Japandi Style Decoration Tips

          We have some suggestions for you if you have decided to take the good sides of both the East and the West and are about to start applying Japandi style decoration in your living space! Here are some ways you can blow the Scandinavian and Japanese winds in your home:

          - In Japandi style decoration, the interior is as important as the exterior. If there is an outdoor space in your living space that you can use, try to make it as functional as possible. In fact, Japandi style decoration aims to minimize the transition between indoor and outdoor as much as possible.

          - Low furniture is one of the important elements of Japandi decoration. Try to keep your chairs, tables, and even coffee tables as low as possible. Japandi aims to be as close to the world as possible and to feed on its energy.

          - Observe the functionality of all your preferred items. Based on minimalism, the Japandi approach aims to provide maximum comfort with as few items as possible. Therefore, a furniture that can be both a coffee table and a drawer at the same time will be a great choice for Japandi style decoration.

          - If you already have a lot of items in your home, try getting rid of these before switching to Japandi style. If you do not want to say goodbye to your items, you can minimize the area covered by these ‘excess items’ with boxes made of organic products or storage solutions.

          - House plants often find their place in Japandi style decoration. However, as at every stage of this decoration trend, you should be careful not to overdo it here. A few small or one large house plants will be enough for each room.

          - You can especially choose parts with geometric shapes for Japandi style wall decoration. Standing out with minimalist paintings, small tapestries or wooden details, simple mirrors will be a great complement to Japandi style home decoration.

          - Feel free to leave empty spaces in your living space! Japandi style decoration does not recommend filling every corner of the house. On the contrary, if your home is a good fit, make sure to leave some space in your decoration that gives you peace of mind.


          Japandi Decoration Suggestions with AGT Collections


          In order to apply Japandi style decoration in your living spaces, you should first choose a color palette that will reflect the general spirit of your home. As we have already mentioned, light tones form the basis of the Japandi style.

          Since one of the first things that attracts attention in any living space is the floor decoration, you can start here. For Japandi style floor decoration, of course, your first choice should be wooden tones and patterns that evoke nature. You can look at the options in Pacific Pine tones in the Natura Select collection and shape the spirit of your home with wooden and light tones that reflect Japanese and Scandinavian styles. For example, you can combine simplicity with tranquility with Nidra decor included in the AGT Yoga collection. You can also describe the Scandinavian stance on the ground with Asana from the Yoga collection.


          AGT Mood models is a good floor alternative for Japandi style design preferences with its water resistant structure and light toned stone patterns.

          If they are pieces to complete your decoration, of course your furniture… The panels in AGT's new 3P Collection may be the product you are looking for to apply Japandi style natural colors to your kitchen cabinets or furniture. You can take the first step in Japandi style decoration in your homes by looking at different options such as Polar White, Vintage Beige or Timber Light.

          Likewise, AGT's decoration options in the Wall Profile product group can add a touch of Japandi style to your living spaces. The types of wall profiles that stand out with their extremely easy application can be covered with all colors in AGT's Supramat ve 3P collections. You can change the atmosphere of your home in a snap by choosing light tones that are suitable for your living space and the color chart of Japandi style decorations.


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