28 January 2022

          Impress, Head of Décor Management Sascha Kostros’ Opinion about Trends

          Times are changing

          While we are always monitoring fresh trend themes, time is a topic that affects us continuously in our everyday lives. It stands above trends but also consumes them, works with them and makes us reevaluate them from time to time. This could also be said of the development of decors which takes a lot of time. From conceptual kickoffs over defined design choices to the finished product, time is an influential ingredient for our work. Furthermore, in these challenging times, which are characterized by change, we also change our perspective on time. The situation that people quite often describe as “the new normality” makes us reevaluate what is worth our personal time and what might not be. It also requires a different way of dealing with time, of finding a balance or harmony between leisure and working hours, between time for ourselves and time for others. Because time is such a universal topic for our society as well as for ourselves as human beings, we want to reflect on time itself with its new communication concept UCHRONIA – a time utopia in which we live in perfect harmony with our personal rhythm of time. Uchronia allows us to be in sync with our environment, our bodies and our minds, so we can thrive on our own terms. It is an idea to break away from time as we are used to experiencing it, especially in these modern times in which we slowly start to understand that the continuous technological progress leads to even more time pressure for us as human beings and our planet alike. Therefore, with UCHRONIA we shift our attention to other dimensions of time such as inner time, biological time and dream time to the deeply geological time of the earth and discover the properties, magic and tragic of time. These changes also influence the trends and how we adapt the new product development. Our international Design Circle is consistently monitoring global trends. They gather and analyse the information to filter out the developments that are important for our industry. Resulting new trendy décors that reflect on what people nowadays think and feel in their lives, what they seem to desire and search out for while creating and altering their own individual spaces. All these trend themes are not only a product of our exceptional times but also a statement on our own handling with time itself. These trends tell us a lot about our current state of mind, our wishes and hopes for our present as well as for our future – and maybe even about our longing for UCHRONIA. In relation to UCHRONIA individual trends were defined.

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          Sascha Kostros  

          Head of Décor Management

          Emergent Utopias. This trend is all about balance and contrast. A growing closeness between the city and nature as citizens rethink the value of urban living and demand a healthier and more balanced lifestyle. Our towns and cities facilitate a life more connected to nature and heritage, not just a short commute. With office and retail spaces sitting empty, we are left to wonder; what comes next? And how might we build back better? In the emergent city, old and new sit alongside each other in innovative combinations. The new is purposefully, obviously modern and the old is celebrated as it stands, preserved rather than reconstructed. We dig down to discover the ancient roots of our civilisation, as well as building up to explore the future. Warm colour and earthy materials come to the fore to keep us grounded. In the wake of the pandemic, we seek mental and physical resilience, avoiding stress and burnout. 

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          Sensory Healing. Never before have we been so aware of the impact of our environment on our physical and mental health. Whilst past events prompted us to embrace vulnerability, the emerging field of neuroaesthetics is shedding light on the ways in which the design of products or spaces around you can influence your mental state. Homes are designed to help people detox from noise and distraction. Darker spaces gain appeal in the name of sensory austerity – the practice of desensitising one sense to heighten another. Low distraction settings have gained popularity in the hospitality industry as restaurants look to bring attention back to the flavours and experience of food. Design is tactile without being distracting and soft uni-colour flows from space to space. In the wake of the pandemic, we seek for mental and physical resilience.

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          Humbly Crafted. Closed borders and restricted travel have opened up our eyes to the wonderful resources at our fingertips. Consumers around the world are rediscovering their own region and celebrating the specialist crafts, heritage and ingredients to be found on their doorstep. Designers are experimenting to reinvent items with a regenerative or transient nature. Biomaterials, or grown materials (like mycelium), drive a trend towards more organic materials that look like they have been grown rather than engineered and colour effects are inspired by botanical dyes. Décor trends include authenticity, naturalness and thus build the bridge to sustainable materials and handmade products. Find more of our decors on our website:

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          Joyful Home. This trend is driven primarily by the need for optimism and joyfulness. As we finally enter the ‘roaring twenties’ householders will want to surround themselves with things that bring them joy, whether that’s being with family and friends or the objects they surround themselves with. Art, colour, shape and materials all feed into this aesthetic of joy and positivity. A ‘take us as we come’ attitude crosses over from social media to interiors and the home becomes a canvas for genuine self-expression and personality. Standing out beats blending in and a DIY approach makes your home unique to you.

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          Off the grid. A need for seclusion and space is driving a demand for urbanites to decamp to rural areas and go ‘off the grid’. Consumers are finding solitude in remote wilderness as these spaces provide the perfect antidote to escaping the cult of busy. Interiors take on a rudimentary feel. The rawness of these lifestyles inspires products with a rough exterior, from scratched and chiseled wood to tarnished metals and gritty composites.

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          Out of this world. A desire to escape the constraints of reality drives this dreamy story. Following an era of hard truths and social shifts, customers wholeheartedly embrace the escapism offered by the surreal. We see people harness technology to access new worlds, bridge realities and unleash their imagination. This desire for escapism is also reflected through surrealism, hyper-real art and otherworldly design. Interiors break the boundaries between the real and the fantastical. Indulgently layered colour pours through open spaces, reflected in highly polished surfaces and infusing rooms with an ethereal glow.

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          Please visit our digital platform to learn more about UCHRONIA and the current trends:

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